seeing yourself seeing.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Architecture, Urbanism & Industrial Design At Vivocity
24th to 30th May

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Do Come!

Thursday, May 03, 2007


DIY Kopi-O

As a result of a no-coffee-maker situation (gasp) at vishal's
place, I resorted to this:

3 table spoons ground coffee powder
(Supplied by Columbian Drug Lord room mate)

1/4 Cup Cold Water

1.5 Cups Boiling Water

1. Get the Water Boiling

2. Mix the Coffee powder with the Cold water, it doesn't have to be 1/4 cup, just make sure it makes a nice and thick, dirty, brown gooey mixture.

3. Once the water's boiling, add the boiling water to the brown gooey mixture,and boil for 3-4 minutes.

4. Pour the newly self-brewed coffee into your Mug, sieving out the residual coffee powder if you want.

*Get one of those Cup-sized pots with a pouring edge and a handle, those come in quite useful for boiling small amounts of water.

And i sit here now, typing this, with a nice big cuppa Columbian brew. Thank you..thank you...


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