seeing yourself seeing.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Rare Wordy Post From JJ

So i gave up the job to be a part time promoter at Nokia. Why? Because they've been 'postponing' the launch of the new N90 phone, (which is an elephant of a handphone) week after week after week. Had i worked every weekend till now, i'd probably have a thousand bucks in the bank already. So i was thinking...maybe i'm not destined to be a promoter. I was made
for a greater purpose! a higher calling! (haha)

So i went to the dentist the other day at NTUC Denticare at Shenton Way for an innocent checkup. According to my mommy dearest, my teeth miss the dentist and haven't seen him for more than a year, so we have to go pay him a visit. Turns out mr dentist is in the mood for plucking, and he used fear tactics i swear to get my consent to yank out my right wisdome tooth, leaving a crater in my mouth. Bloody, stitched up and Big, that thing's gotten me on a liquid diet for at least 2 more days...and no smoke or alcohol, so sorry guys, no beer and shisha for a while..

Last of all, I'm all moved in and pretty much settled into this new Clementi Park estate, which has a great compound. a big one too. the place has a HILL in the middle of the whole estate, a hill which has exercise stations, bbq pits, small pavilions and even a friggin tennis court at the top! i like this place, too bad we're moving after a year or so. Think i'll try to get a few shots of this current place in for the benefit of those who can't visit. (read: get your asses back in singapore) That's it for now. Liquid diets don't afford me much energy, so i guess 2:30am is the best i can do for now. GDnite.

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